Rainy Day Fun

Rain Fun 1 thek9harperlee

Yesterday started out extremely hot and oppressively humid. Imagine being on the face of the sun. Now imagine being there wrapped in heavy, wet towels. That’s kind of what my morning walk felt like. Then in the late afternoon, the wind started to blow like crazy, the sky got very dark, and the rains came. My mommy could not have been happier. I know many of you have had too much rain lately, but not us. The garden needed a little watering by Mother Nature, and Mommy needed a little break from hose duty. It was time to find some fun activities for a rainy afternoon.

Rain Fun 2 thek9harperlee

Mommy and I started the fun with our fourth session of obedience boot camp. I know what you’re thinking–obedience boot camp doesn’t sound fun at all–but I have to tell you that I am having a fabulous time and I’m progressing exceptionally well. Here I am doing Leave It. That’s Elephant, Parrot, and Lion and check out the pumpkin-and-blueberry-flavored treats on my feet. Pretty impressive, don’t you think? Leave It is one of my favorite commands. I hear it all the time on my walks.

Rain Fun 3 thek9harperlee

After obedience boot camp, my mommy thought that we needed to do another rainy day activity. I thought that taking a nice, long nap sounded like the perfect rainy day fun; but Mommy seems to think that it’s important to stimulate my mind, so a nap was completely out of the question for the moment. Earlier in the day, she had read a blog post by Human Rescues Dog called “Dog Toys You Can Make Tonight.” One of the ideas was called Treats in a Bottle. You take an empty water or milk bottle (plastic, of course), put treats inside, and let your dog figure out how to get the treats out of the bottle. My mommy broke just a few of my favorite treats into little pieces and put them into an empty water bottle. As you can see, Mommy’s a little tight with the treats. She says it’s because she wants me to maintain my girlish figure. Whatever.

Rain Fun 4 thek9harperlee

I cannot begin to tell you how much fun I had trying to get those treats out of that plastic water bottle. I rolled it around. I picked it up. I made funny inquisitive-puppy faces that I hadn’t made in a very long time. I even did an odd little puppy-like bark that even startled me. It was as if the Treats in a Bottle toy had shaved four years off of me.

Rain Fun 5 thek9harperlee

And then the light bulb went off: If I raised the bottom and tipped the mouth of the bottle, those yummy treats would spill out. Brilliant! Thank you so much Human Rescues Dog for filling my rainy afternoon with fun, fun, fun!

45 Comments on “Rainy Day Fun”

  1. You had a fun filled rain day. love the treat in bottle trick. lol to the treats on yr paws…i never noticed. you are doing great at boot camp. have a great weekend.

    • Boot camp is going very well and, trust me, I knew that those treats were on my feet! Glad you liked the Treats in a Bottle and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

  2. Sunshine, Maggie, Kenai - The BIG dogs says:

    Ms. Lee, that water bottle game sounds like so much fun! Our mommy said she was going to play it with us this weekend. We will keep you posted…………….

    • Remind Miss Gaye to take that little plastic ring thing off the bottle. Mommy didn’t do that and it kind of freaked her out when I got it off and she thought I’d swallow it!

  3. OMG you made my weekend, so happy to see that my little post turned your afternoon into a fun-filled adventure :)!!! And Miss Lee, I’m amazed by your self-control with those delicious treats on your paws!

    • You truly were the source of many smiles and giggles for my mommy and lots of challenging fun for me! I hope you have a relaxing weekend with plenty of kisses from your loving pups!

  4. bluestempond says:

    We’ll have to try the bottle trick. It sounds like lots of fun.

  5. Sam says:

    We tried the water bottle trick – Monty chewed the end off the bottle and it went QUICK. Sam was willing to play with it though!


  6. We are SO impressed Miss HL!! We’d NEVER be able to resist treats that have been put on our paws…that’s be gone before mom could even think “Leave It” BOL

    Have a pawsome weekend.
    Wally & Sammy

  7. finnhoward says:

    OMD, excellent idea!! I am going to try this out this weekend! And excellent leave it also 🙂

  8. Ogee says:

    You’re such a smart girl! (Your mom too for thinking up all those fun things to do!)

  9. Peppino says:

    Putting treats into an empty bottle is an excellent idea!!

  10. well you ARE a good doggy! I only do “leave it” when I feel like it. BOL! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  11. Miss Lee, you are so obedient and so smart! Woooooowoooooo, Ku

  12. Oh Miss Harper Lee, your Mommy has it going on. Be glad for her. The most excitement we’ve had lately was going to the beauty parlor and that’s not a treat. However, we looks good. 🙂

  13. OhMelvin says:

    Adorable rainy days over there! Love the bottle trick, plan to try that one!

  14. Gizmo says:

    Right now it’s raining for the third time today…Momz & I are running out of rainy day activities so she promises we can try treats in a bottle next…Thanks for the fun idea!

    • You’ve had more than your fair share of rain lately so I can see how you would be running out of rainy day activities. Hope you enjoy trying to get to those treats in the bottle and that the sun comes to visit you very soon!

  15. Jan K says:

    Oh, what a great game! So glad you had fun with it. I just wish we’d heard of that one sooner….we’re just finally getting some sunshine here! 🙂 We will file that away for the next rainy day though!

  16. Oh, sorry abouts the rain gurl!! Oh, and Ma totally empathizes with the humidity!! She is such a WUSS when it comes to humidity!
    Butts, looks like your Moms made the rainy day fun after all, huh?! ‘Leave’ is my favorite game too! I’m very good at it (which is good, cause I’m very bad at ‘come’….), and it usually involves treaties!
    The water bottle is a FABulous idea!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: yeah, your Moms is stingy on the treaties…so is mine…we gotta do somethin’ about that!! BOL

    • “Come” isn’t my best command either, especially when I’m in the back yard. I just stare at my humans as if to say, “What?” So then they start yelling “Treats! Treats! Treats!” Sometimes that works.

  17. the 3m's says:

    It has just stopped raining here after 36 hours & it’s so cold outside. Hang on something’s happening…our Dad is putting on his walking shoes, coat & gloves..OMG it’s WALK TIME! We just heard our Mom tell our Dad all about your treats in a bottle game…sounds so much fun – guess what we’ll be doing when the rain comes back later today.
    Are you related to us Miss Harper Lee? Our names are Maaac Leave It, Maeeesie Leave it and Tillllll Leave it…we hear it quite often during our walks too, especially when we meet up with our furiends in the park…it’s such a – dare I say, common, name! Have a great weekend! ♥

    • I guess when we start complaining about the heat of our summer, we really need to think back to those cold and rainy winter days. Yuck! Here are some other common dog names. Buster No, Max Stop That, and, my favorite, Lily Did You Eat That. You have a great weekend too. Hope your weather improves!

  18. Zena says:

    Next rainy day I’m pouring the milk down the sink and insisting The Help makes one of those toys for me!

  19. Misaki says:

    Great idea! I have a treat ball, but I’ve figured out to get the treats out in no time BOL. Will deffo try the plastic bottle idea:-)

  20. Marcie says:

    Sounds like you were kept plenty busy with rainy day activities. I LOVE the idea of the treats in the bottle, and how fabulous you were able to figure it out just fine. 🙂

  21. 2browndawgs says:

    Sounds like you had a fun day with lots of treats!

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