On the First Day of Christmas . . .

From my family to yours . . . Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2019.

It’s been far too long since I’ve updated you on my activities, and I’ve so missed connecting with all of my friends in the blogging world and following your adventures. Christmas night seems like a good time to get back at it, and I have a commitment from my human mommy/blogging assistant that she will devote herself full-time–well, as full-time as she can–to sharing my reflections on a Golden life with you once again.

Just to let you know, I’m well . . . still enjoying life as a big sister to Tallulah Bee, sharing comfort and love through a variety of therapy dog activities, and loving life in New Orleans. Get ready for the next 11 days of Christmas posts and updates, and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you. It’s been too long . . . and I’ve missed you.

Cheers and much love, Miss Harper Lee ❤

Sunday Sisters: Christmas Eve 2017

Tallulah and I join our humans

in sending Merry Christmas wishes

to friends far and near

and a 2018  filled with cheer!

Love, Miss Harper Lee


Say Cheese . . . Please

It’s that time of year again. Pet parents–aka pawrents–around the globe are struggling to capture the furrier members of their families in that perfect holiday pose. Can you sense the worldwide stress?

It was all so much easier before Tallulah Bee joined our family. I sat. I posed. My human mommy/personal photographer snapped. And the Christmas photo was complete. (Click here, here, and here to see some of my photos from Christmases past.)

This is Tallulah’s third Christmas, so you would think that my little sister would have the hang of it by now. Think again. She managed to stick her tongue out for at least half of the attempts.

And when her tongue wasn’t sticking out, her eyes were closed.

Okay, I was a little guilty of that offense too. By the way, Mommy realized too late that she probably should have pulled that weed before the photo shoot started. Seeing it in photo after photo helps Tallulah feel slightly better knowing that she wasn’t the only obstacle to capturing the perfect holiday picture.

It was all oh so tiring for a seasoned professional like me.

We eventually got the perfect shot . . . or the this-will-have-to-do-because-we’re-running-out-of-time-and-it-probably-won’t-get-any-better-than-this photo. Clearly, this was not it. Just like those packages under the tree, you’ll have to wait for Christmas morning to see the final product. I think it will be worth the wait . . . and the effort!

Footnote: Our special Christmas bandanas are from our friends at Geaux Fideaux Pet Accessories and Bandanas. It’s not too late to peruse their holiday collections and order your very own beautiful bandanas. They also have college colors, spring looks, summer styles, and more. Click here to take a look.

An Early Delivery from Santa

Earlier this week, the weather humans started predicting doom and gloom: days and days of cold, cloudy, windy, rainy, sleety, and even possibly snowy days. Not your typical New Orleans forecast. When Santa saw what Tallulah and I faced, he made a special early delivery just for us.

Our Christmas beds arrived Tuesday, and Tallulah and could not possibly be happier . . . or more comfy, cozy, and warm.

It’s as if I’m sleeping on a cloud. Santa even brought a third bed that stays in the bedroom. I get to sleep on that one at night. It’s just for me. No sharing with Tallulah . . . just like when I was an only dog and didn’t have to share. Santa is such a great guy.

We’ll have cold temps through next week, but at least the sun should come back to see us by this weekend. Until then, Tallulah and I will enjoy our early Christmas presents as we dream about Santa.

“Wait a minute,” Tallulah said. “Santa’s still coming back on Christmas Eve to bring more stuff, right?” Yes, Tallulah, Santa will be here again. You can go back to sleep.

I wish you a perfectly peaceful weekend . . . and sweet dreams. ❤



Merry Christmas!


Sending merry and bright wishes from my home to yours for the happiest of holidays!

. . . with much love from Miss Harper Lee . . .

Countdown to Christmas: Christmas Eve


We’ve almost made it friends. Christmas is less than 24 hours away, and today Tallulah Bee and I are sharing the photo that went into the snail mail with our Christmas cards. We look like angels, don’t we? In Tallulah’s case, looks can still be a bit deceiving. 🙂

So I know what you’re thinking: If Miss Lee is showing us her official Christmas photo on Christmas Eve, what will she have for us on Christmas Day? Well, even though I have a little sister, and even though I share the spotlight with her . . . some of the time . . . this is still my blog and you are all still my friends. In other words, Christmas Day will be all about me . . . and my wish for you.

Countdown to Christmas: Two More Days


Today Tallulah Bee and I continue our countdown to Christmas. Out of the hundreds photos that our human mommy snapped (well, it seemed like hundreds to us), this one almost made the cut to be our Christmas card. We were happy to share the spotlight with Leon the Reindeer (that’s Noel spelled backwards).

Clearly, Tallulah was having some trouble containing her excitement about Santa’s arrival. Patience, Tallulah. He’s almost here!

Countown to Christmas: Three More Days


In the last few weeks, my human mommy has taken hundreds of photos (only a slight exaggeration) in hopes of getting that perfect picture for our Christmas cards. Tallulah Bee and I have humored her, mostly because she bribes us with treats. In fact, we purposefully look away from the camera, move slightly, or close our eyes just as she snaps so we can get more treats. Shhhh . . . don’t tell her that. It’s our little secret.

Anyway, Mommy managed to get a few favorites along the way and today we begin the countdown to Christmas. The Bee and I are modeling our gorgeous Geaux Fideaux monogrammed bandanas. If you’re interested in getting your very own Geaux Fideaux original (they’re working on Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day looks), just send an Instagram direct message to @geauxfideaux. 

We’re all smiles as we await Santa’s arrival!

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas: Farewell Noel

Twelfth Day of Christmas thek9harperlee

And on the twelfth day of Christmas . . . I sat beside my reindeer friend Leon (that’s Noel spelled backwards) as we watched the sun set on another yuletide season.

Tomorrow the decorations will magically disappear (well, it’s like magic for me because I sleep through most of the activity), but I hope that the spirit of Christmas will stay with you all through the year.

Thank you for joining me in celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas: Fading into Black and White

Eleventh Day of Christmas 2 thek9harperlee

And on the eleventh day of Christmas . . . I could see the season fading into black and white.

Thank you to Black and White Sunday Blog Hop hosts Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever.

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