On the First Day of Christmas . . .

From my family to yours . . . Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2019.

It’s been far too long since I’ve updated you on my activities, and I’ve so missed connecting with all of my friends in the blogging world and following your adventures. Christmas night seems like a good time to get back at it, and I have a commitment from my human mommy/blogging assistant that she will devote herself full-time–well, as full-time as she can–to sharing my reflections on a Golden life with you once again.

Just to let you know, I’m well . . . still enjoying life as a big sister to Tallulah Bee, sharing comfort and love through a variety of therapy dog activities, and loving life in New Orleans. Get ready for the next 11 days of Christmas posts and updates, and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you. It’s been too long . . . and I’ve missed you.

Cheers and much love, Miss Harper Lee ❤

October Photo Challenge Day 18: NO MAKEUP

A couple of weeks ago, I had fun at my sister’s expense when the October Photo Challenge theme was MAKEUP. Well today’s challenge is NO MAKEUP, so I give you my little sister, Tallulah Bee, in all of her natural glory. It’s hard for a big sister to say this, but I think Tallulah is a very pretty girl. She’s sweet, too. But so far I have the slight edge when it comes to obedience. 🙂

I cannot wait to show you my weather tomorrow. Autumn finally made an appearance in New Orleans!

October Photo Challenge Day 16: BEST FRIEND

When you love your BEST FRIEND as much as I love Tallulah–and as much as Tallulah loves me–you don’t ever want to be separated . . . not even when you’re sleeping. ❤

Tell me about your best friend . . . the two-legged and four-legged kind. 😉

Celebrating 22 Years of Dogs

Tomorrow my humans will celebrate 22 years of wedded bliss. They’ll take some time this weekend to reminisce about all of the adventures they’ve shared. And, naturally, they’ll remember the dogs who have been with them along the way.

What's in a Name 2 thek9harperlee


When my humans met, Mommy already had Sheffield. In fact, you might credit Sheffield with bringing my humans together. Sheffield and a little Beagle named Abby were friends, which made my human mommy and Abby’s mom friends. Abby’s mom was dating my human daddy’s friend, and Abby’s mom and my human daddy’s friend decided to fix my humans up on a blind date. (It got a little confusing there. I hope you’re still with me.) Abby’s mom gave my future daddy some very good advice before that first date: You have to win over Sheffield. Without Sheffield, you don’t stand a chance. Daddy took that advice, showed up with a big bone for Sheffield, and the rest is history.

What's in a Name 3 thek9harperlee


One thing led to another, and my humans marched down the aisle September 16, 1995, in Houston, Texas. A guest at their wedding just happened to own two Golden Retrievers, brothers Bow and Arrow. At the reception, he and my humans talked about his plans to breed Bow. My humans said that they would be interested in adding one of Bow’s puppies to their new family, and the guest promised to keep them posted. My human mommy still remembers the day that the phone rang (back when people actually had home phones). It was Bow’s daddy sharing the big news that he thought Bow’s girlfriend, Sandy, would be having puppies and if she did my humans would get first pick. Shortly after that, Talbot joined Sheffield and the little family started to grow.

My Sister, Lexi


Several years into their marriage, my humans moved to a place called Galveston, Texas, a small island off the coast of the Lone Star state. Sheffield and Talbot made the move with them, and everyone settled into island life. Eventually my human mommy joined the board of the Galveston Island Humane Society. One day my humans volunteered at a pet adoption event. They were in charge of finding a new family for Alexis, an older terrier mix. Alexis didn’t have the shiniest coat and her teeth showed some signs of obvious dental neglect, so she was a hard sell. At the end of the day, no one wanted Alexis . . . except my human daddy. He had fallen head over heals in love. So Alexis came home with my humans as a foster dog. Less than twenty-four hours later, she joined Sheffield and Talbot as a permanent member of the family. In addition to her new home, she also had a new name–Lexi–because she had decided that she wanted a new name to start her new life.

Harper Lee

While my humans still lived in Galveston, their little family dwindled. First they said goodbye to Sheffield, and then they had to let Talbot go. It was heartbreaking, but Lexi soldiered on. She made the move with them to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and that’s when Yours Truly entered the picture. One weekend morning, my humans were looking through the newspaper. For some odd reason, my human daddy turned to the classified section (which he normally never ever did) and noticed an ad for Golden Retriever puppies in a little town outside of Baton Rouge. My humans looked at each other and said, “Let’s just go look” . . . as if anyone ever just goes to look at puppies. Before the end of that day, I had waddled my little puppy butt right into my future human daddy’s lap, planted a huge kiss on his cheek, and I was all set to become the newest member of the family.

Tallulah Bee

Lexi and I shared our humans for several years before she too had to leave the family. I was an only dog for a while. That’s when my humans got serious about researching responsible Golden Retriever breeders. They discovered Rhythm Golden Retrievers in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, and got at the end of a very long waiting list. Meanwhile, the humans decided to make a move from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. The day they closed on their new house in the Crescent City, Mommy received a text: Rhythm Golden Retrievers had a new litter of puppies and one of the girls was going to be our newest family member. It wasn’t the best timing, but it was the best news. Tallulah Bee would be joining our family.

So my humans have seen 22 years come and go. They’ve had the heartbreak of saying goodbye to Sheffield, Talbot, and Lexi. But they’ve also had the joy of filling their lives with the unconditional love of man’s (and woman’s) best friend every single day of their married life. Tallulah and I are so happy to celebrate this anniversary with our human mommy and our human daddy, and we hope to be right there by their sides to celebrate many, many more.

Cheers, and happy 22nd Anniversary!

Sunday Sisters: August 13, 2017

My sister, Tallulah, and I take our Guardians of the Gate duty very seriously. We’re always on the lookout, especially for dogs and cats and squirrels. We notice every person walking by, every bus arriving at the neighborhood school, and every bicycle pedaling to its next stop. Our Guardian efforts to date have been impeccably successful: Not a single dog, cat, squirrel, person, bus, or bicycle has entered our domain.

Psssst . . . here’s the real story . . . don’t tell our humans, ok? Tallulah and I love sleeping next to our gate. We’re usually butt-to-butt, Tallulah resting her head on the gate’s bottom bar and me with my face flat on the ground. True, we bark obnoxiously when dogs walk by, but that’s just because we want to visit. And as for the humans passing by? We’ve trained each and every one to stop and pet us and tell us how sweet and beautiful we are. I guess we’re really more typical Goldens than menacing Guardians. But that’s just between us, right?

Happy Sunday!

Our Little Champion

My little sister, Tallulah Bee, attended her first dog show this past weekend. Now before you get too excited, I said she attended her first dog show; she did not compete in her first dog show.

Tallulah and my humans went to the Lagniappe Classic Dog Show to see Tallulah’s littermate Sobe, who was competing for her final championship points, and their breeder Kelli from Rhythm Golden Retrievers.

Tallulah may not have been in the ring, but Kelli made her feel like a show dog. Tallulah got to go back to the holding area, visit with the competitors and their handlers, and hop onto the grooming table while Kelli gave her a Golden champion trim.

And then Tallulah (left) and Sobe joined Kelli outside for a little love fest . . .

. . . before posing for their “official” Lagniappe Classic Dog Show photo.

My sweet sister may not be a real show dog, but she’s our little Tallulah Bee CCG (Champion Companion Golden).


Do you love Golden Retrievers? Are you a Golden Retriever owner? Are you a Golden Retriever?  😉 Join Golden Woofs Koru and the gang from Golden Daily Scoop for #GoldensChat, a Golden Retriever Twitter chat this Thursday at 2 p.m. Eastern. Click here for more info from Golden Woofs. Chat with you Thursday!

Sunday Sisters: August 6, 2017

My sister, Tallulah, and I love each other very much. More and more often, our humans find us touching . . . sometimes sitting side-by-side at the back gate, sometimes touching paws or heads as we sleep. The other night, Tallulah put her paw on my neck, placed her head on top of mine, and settled in for a little nap. That gave my human mommy/blogging assistant an idea: let’s feature a photo of Tallulah and me together each Sunday and call it “Sunday Sisters.” Hope you enjoy!

And speaking of fun Sunday series, today my friend Jasper the Fox Red featured me on his weekly Sunday Sessions. (You have to meet Jasper. He lives in Edinburgh. He has tons of energy. And he’s super handsome.) Have you ever wondered how I started blogging and why I love it so much? Click here to hop on over to Jasper’s Sunday Sessions and find out.

Happy Sunday!

Isn’t She Lovely

Several weeks ago, my friend Mia from It’s a Pibble’s Life! nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. I cannot thank her enough. Mia is an amazing girl. She lives in Vancouver with her humom  and her furbrother, Keiko. Click here to pay Mia a little visit. You’re likely to find her playing in the ocean or racing through the forest. I’ve decided to delegate the duties associated with this award to my little sister, Tallulah. This is a really big deal. It’s her first time to speak on my blog. She just has to do two things: 1) Tell us seven things about herself and 2) nominate 15 bloggers to receive the award. Sounds simple, right? You obviously don’t know my little sister, but here goes.

Seven Facts About Me, Tallulah Bee

1. I am a super happy girl. Ok, before I get started, let me just say Wow! I’m blogging! Sissy’s finally letting me speak! Ok, enough of that. I better get serious before she pulls the plug on this little experiment. Where was I? Oh, that’s right. I am a super happy girl. I mean just look at my smile. I’m always smiling and my tail is always wagging.

2. I have a lot of nicknames. My registered name is Rhythm’s Tallulah Bee for Harper Lee. That’s kind of a lot to say, so humans just call me Tallulah. Unless I’m in trouble. And then my human mommy calls me Tallulah Bee, which to me sounds like “Stop it now!” But when I’m being good (which, for the record, is most of the time), my humans call me Bee, Buzzy Bee, Woo Bee, Bee Girl, Bubba, Bubba Bee, and Bubz.

3. I love to watch television. Actually, I love to watch video on anything–televisions, computers, smartphones, anything. I especially like to watch animals, but I also enjoy sporting events and pharmaceutical commercials with little cartoon-like characters. Now you’re going to be looking for those, aren’t you?

4. I’m rather fond of human beds. Technically, I’m not allowed on human beds. But sometimes I just can’t help myself. And when I do take the forbidden leap? Well, I’m just so super cute that the humans give in. Unless the bed is freshly made, and then that’s another story.

5. When it comes to food, I’m a bit of a pig. I have a tendency to inhale my meals, so I have this fancy pink bowl that slows me down. Very slightly.

6. I have a drinking problem. Not that kind of drinking problem, sillies. I mean I am not a neat drinker. And I drink gallons of water, so you’d think I’d be better at it. But I’m not. I kind of forget to swallow, and then water runs out of my mouth. Everywhere. Sorry about that, Mommy.

7. I love my big sister with all of my heart. Harper Lee has been the best big sister ever. She’s been patient and kind, and she always looks out for me. I love sleeping right next to her. And sometimes on her.

And my nominees for the One Lovely Blog Award are . . .

It said up there in the rules that I’m supposed to nominate 15 bloggers for this award. Hey. I’m just a puppy. (Ok, I’m two, but Mommy says we’re using that puppy excuse until I’m three.) I have a short attention span. Fifteen is a big number. How about if I just do eight? That’s more than half, right? And how about if I tell my nominees that they aren’t obligated to follow all of those silly award rules unless they want to. I just want them to know that I’m really happy that my big sister introduced me to them and I really like what they do.

Cast Light — This blog reminds us that we can we choose to “cast shadows” (gossip, complaints, cynicism) or to “cast light” (enthusiasm, encouragement, generosity). Golden Retriever Abby and Samoyed Sasha make the occasional appearance.

Gardens for Goldens — Escape to the beauty of the Memorial Garden at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary and meet the people and dogs who make it such an enchanting place.

Golden Kali — Golden Retriever Kali lives with her little sister Kloe, also a Golden, in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California. Hey, kind of sounds like my big sister and me, except we live below sea level in South Louisiana.

Home Sweet Home Wyoming — Check out the big blue skies and meet cute pups Bear and Sammy.

Peace With My Life: Comfort and Compassion Out of Chaos — From time to time, we’re all surrounded by a bit of chaos (you should see my living room when I decide to take all the toys out of the toy basket), so it’s nice to know where you can go for a little peace, comfort, and compassion. And you’ll get to meet a cute pup named Jazz.

Piglove — Meet Bacon, the cutest, funniest little piggy ever. And follow the adventures of the whole Hotel Thompson gang. Warning: You will definitely laugh.

Saving Sammie: An Adoption Story — Follow the adventures of sisters Sammie (a German Shepherd) and Emma (a Doodleman Pinscher). And these girls have two cats. Not so sure that would work at my house. Haha!

Tails Around the Ranch — Sam and Elsa are Standard Poodles. Sam does pet therapy at a large hospital and hospice center and Elsa is his pesky sister who gets into trouble. Hmmmmm, sounds familiar.

So, if you choose, here are the One Lovely Blog Award rules:

  • Thank the person (or dog) that nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Display the award on your post.
  • List seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers (give or take) for this award and comment on one of their posts to let them know you have nominated them.

But feel free to ignore the rules. I do it all the time. And have a fabulous weekend!

Love, Tallulah Bee



Meeting and Making Friends at BlogPaws 2017

There are a whole lot of great things about a BlogPaws conference, but the greatest in my book has to be the people and pets you meet. They’re all so super nice. Way back in March, my human mommy started counting down the days until she’d meet my dear friend Bear’s mom. We fell in love with Bear when we discovered his Love always, Bear blog, and it shattered my mommy’s heart the day Bear crossed the Rainbow Bridge. When our mommies finally met last month, it was as if they’d been friends forever. I guess Goldens just have a way of connecting people. That’s Bear’s mom on the right holding his sister Rosy.

Rosy writes a blog called Rosy Reports and, as Rosy would say, it’s fab. So fab that she was a finalist for not one but two BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards. Tallulah and I were honored to pose with her before the big awards dinner, and we were beyond thrilled that Mommy finally got to hug Bear’s mom and we finally got to meet his fabulous sister Rosy.

Photo from Rosy’s Twitter @PrincessRosyRue

We were crushed when another Golden friend, Sugar, crossed the Rainbow Bridge just a couple of months before the BlogPaws conference. How fitting that our friends Sugar and Bear were side-by-side when the 2017 conference Honor Flags were displayed.

Photo from Golden Woofs: Sugar the Golden Retriever Blog

That’s Sugar’s mom holding stuffed Goldie at the conference. (Mommy and Sugar’s mom were so busy hugging every time they saw each other that silly Mommy didn’t think about getting a photo.) I’m so super happy to report that just as soon as Sugar’s mom and dad got home from BlogPaws 2017 they welcomed a new Golden Retriever into their home and into their hearts. His name is Koru Bear and you can click here to see how incredibly handsome he is.

Keeping with the Golden theme, meet Honey and her mom. Sweet doesn’t even begin to describe these two. They’re like the best cupcake ever piled high with the richest icing you’ve ever eaten and covered with sprinkles. Yep, that sweet. Honey’s mom blogs at Something Wagging This Way Comes and–get this–they live on a sailboat. It was such a thrill to meet them, and we cannot wait to follow their nautical adventures.

Now I don’t want you to think we only hung out with Golden Retrievers and their humans while we were at BlogPaws 2017. We also met Leroy from My Brown Newfies. Leroy’s mom probably thought my human mommy was a crazy stalker when she leapt from the car and dashed toward Leroy the minute we got to the conference hotel. But, I mean really, who doesn’t love a big handsome hairy guy who drools?

And mommy wasn’t the only one with a BlogPaws 2017 crush. My little sister Tallulah fell in love with Echo from A Girl & Her Husky. Yep, my little sister was that woman who goes to an out-of-town business conference and has a fling. You can’t really blame her. Echo was pretty sharp in his red carpet attire. I guess what happens at BlogPaws stays at BlogPaws . . . wink, wink.

Finally meet Lucy with the Underbite, an adorable Chihuahua-Pug mix who had the time of her life strutting her stuff on the red carpet with Rosy. Lucy and her mom work with DogWatch Hidden Fences, a conference exhibitor, and Lucy has the most adorable Instagram account. Check her out here. I could go on and on about all the amazing people and pets we met at BlogPaws 2017, but I have a better idea. Why don’t you make plans to attend BlogPaws 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri? I promise you’ll meet a whole lot of super nice people and pets.

Dinner and a Movie

Woo hoo! It’s Friday! I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty thrilled to see the weekend. Do you have plans yet? Might I suggest dinner and a movie? There’s a great new film called Megan Leavey opening this weekend. I saw a preview while I was at BlogPaws 2017, and it’s fabulous.

Megan Leavey is the true story of a Marine and her dog, Rex. Here’s a little more information from the studio:

MEGAN LEAVEY is based on the true life story of a young marine corporal (Kate Mara) whose unique discipline and bond with her military combat dog saved many lives during their deployment in Iraq. When she is assigned to clean up the K9 unit after a disciplinary hearing, Leavey identifies with a particularly aggressive dog, Rex, and is given the chance to train him. Over the course of their service, Megan and Rex completed more than 100 missions until an IED explosion injures them, putting their fate in jeopardy.

You can click here to see a trailer for the film. It stars a really talented dog in the role of Rex . . . and some pretty noteworthy humans, too. Plus, it’s gotten some really great reviews.

Merrick Pet Care, a leader in natural and organic pet food, sponsored the movie and recently announced the launch of Merrick Backcountry Hero’s Banquet recipes, a new lineup of natural dog food and treats to raise awareness for K9s For Warriors’ work pairing service dogs with military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disability (PTSD). (By the way, June is PTSD Awareness Month.) So grab some “pawp corn,” settle into that nice comfortable theatre seat to watch Rex star in the Megan Leavey movie, and purchase a little Merrick Backcountry Hero’s Banquet dinner to help support the work of K9s For Warriors. Sounds like a perfect weekend plan to me. Cheers!