Special Delivery for Miss Harper Lee

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I know you’ve heard a lot about the often contentious relationship between some dogs and mail carriers. Well, I am not one of those dogs. I love my mailman, and that’s because Mr. Leroy is the very best mail carrier in the entire United States of America. Mr. Leroy has delivered the mail in my neighborhood for a very long time. I’ve seen him going from door to door in scorching heat, pounding rain, and even the rare South Louisiana sleet and snow. Mr. Leroy knows the humans and dogs who live in my neighborhood better than many of its own residents do. He knows when someone is ill, when families are out of town, when new people join our community, and when older residents pass away. He can even look at an envelope addressed simply to “Grandma” and figure out which grandma on the street should receive it.

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And lately Mr. Leroy has had quite a few special deliveries just for me. Twitter, texting, and email are all wonderful, but there’s just nothing quite like having a letter or parcel delivered to your home. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be telling you about some of the wonderful mail I’ve received.

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I was very eager to tear into this particular package from the Sand Spring Chesapeakes. What do you think it could be? The anticipation was almost more than I could handle.

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Uh oh. Does this mean I’m getting a bath? Actually, I was pretty excited about using this special shampoo from Rainforest Coastal Labs because it came with a glowing review from my retriever friends. Gambler, Glory, Nellie, and Norman’s mom wrote a fantastic blog post about Rainforest Coastal Labs shampoo. You can click here for all the information and before, during, and after bath photos of the Sand Spring Chesapeakes.

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I must tell you that every word of that review is true, but Miss JoAnn left out one very important thing: The Rainforest Coastal Labs shampoo is also pretty tasty, although Mommy didn’t let me eat as many suds as I wanted to eat. My mommy really likes the shampoo because she said it was very easy to rinse, and that’s not always such a simple thing to do with a Golden Retriever.

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And here’s the end product. My humans say that my coat is softer than it’s ever been and that I smell simply divine. I wonder if my humans ought to consider borrowing my new shampoo?

40 Comments on “Special Delivery for Miss Harper Lee”

  1. so happy that you like the shampoo and that you smell wonderful, but where are the TREATS?????? BOL!!
    BTW your mail carrier looks like a SUPER nice guy!! Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  2. Miss Harper Lee, I am so glad you enjoyed getting your package and your bath. You look beautiful! Don’t eat to much of the soap as you may burb bubbles. Thank you for trying the shampoo and doing a review with pictures of it. Gigi will enjoy this. Thanks again!

  3. Yippy! You got pressies. You are one lucky girl. I’m gonna start calling you bubbles. You look so pretty after your bath… but then again, you looked pretty before it. I like the pic of you holding your pressie between you pretty paws.

  4. PigLove says:

    Oh Miss Harper. You do look wonderful with that new shampoo. If only I had smell-a-computer my friend. XOXO – Bacon

  5. Marcie says:

    Now that mailman seems like he knows his stuff! Always great to get fun stuff in the mail….now you just need to get your nails done as well, and you will have had a true spa day! 🙂

  6. Vera Olds says:

    This is a really good one!

    Sent from my iPhone Vera Olds

  7. These are some lovely pictures of you Miss Harper Lee 🙂

  8. Ogee says:

    I bet that Mr. Leroy might want to borrow some of your shampoo after a long day of delivering mail. Your mama will have to tell us which of you smells better!

    • Poor Mr. Leroy does end his summer days dripping with perspiration; but as far as I know, he hasn’t ever rolled in anything, so I think he still smells better than I do when I have my “doggy smell”! And he’ll have to fight my mommy for my new shampoo because I have seen her eyeing it for herself. 😉

  9. Fernando1958 says:

    you look very pretty after that bath, but if you ask me you were already very pretty 😉

  10. Kuruk says:

    You are glowing after using the tasty shampoowoooooowooooooo!

  11. OMGoodness, Miss HL. You look so clean and shiny, and I can almost smell your sweetness from here! Your mail carrier is a keeper. I am quiet as a mouse all day, and I turn into a raving lunatic when my mailman comes. What is it about that guy?

    Love and licks,

  12. Oh Miss Harper Lee, you have the most wonderful mailman and the most fabulous mail!! You are so sweet you deserve all the goodies you receive!! The Red Man sends virtual sniffs because he would like to smell your new shampoo-do!!

  13. OhMelvin says:

    Even soaking wet you are completely adorable! How do you do it??!!!

  14. slimdoggy says:

    And you look absolutely beautiful. That’s a pretty good gift – I had a bath today too, but moms used some stinky ‘hypo-allergenic’ stuff on me, but I guess that’s okay as I need a manly smell.

  15. Oh, your Mail dude looks like a cool guy!! I likes our Mail dude too, he leaves me milk bones when he delivers a package! Yummers!
    Now, abouts this shampoo….WTF???!! Happy abouts a B.A.T.H.?? Oh gurl. Wells, if that what fluffs your fur, who am I to judge?! BOL
    Okays, so you do looks FABulous, and your furs do look BEAUTIFULS, so I guess that shampoo stuffs is pretty good.
    Don’t show Ma….
    Ruby ♥

    • Mr. Leroy is a super cool dude and–don’t tell anybody about this–he has slipped me one or two milk bones. Shhhh. Now, about the whole bath thing. Mommy calls it “spa day,” and then she gets all upset and says, “I sure wish I could have a spa day. You’re a very lucky girl, Miss Lee.” So I kind of have to act excited. 🙂

  16. OMD, we just LOVE Mr Leroy’s uniform – that pith helmet is fangtastic!!

    WOW look at all those parcels, lucky you!! We’re glad the bath wasn’t too traumatic – you look arooooootiful!!

    Wally & Sammy

    • Mr. Leroy wears his pith helmet every day, and you should see the cape he wears when it rains. Very stylish!
      Hearing you boys call me aroooootiful (well, reading it) makes the whole bath thing so worth it. 🙂

  17. Jan K says:

    Yes, I’d say it worked quite well….you look stunning, Miss Lee!

  18. 2browndawgs says:

    Very cool. We got a sample of that and I plan to try it after the shows this weekend. I am worried they will blow all of their coats if I do it before…lol.

  19. Clowie says:

    You look lovely after your bath. I get on well with the person that delivers the mail, sometimes there’s something interesting!

  20. writetowag says:

    Oh, I LOVE this post…what a great pick with your mailman!!!! Have a pawesome week my friends!!!!

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