Meet My Mommy

Mommy and Miss Lee 1 thek9harperlee

Today I am participating in the Meet the Bloggers blog hop. Now, everyone knows that this is my blog, so I am the blogger, and you all know me. But my human mommy has been my blogging assistant/full-time photographer from the beginning, and I’ve been thinking that she might deserve a little–just a little–recognition for all of her hard work. Last week I read about this hop on I Still Want More Puppies, and I decided that this is the perfect opportunity for you to meet my mommy.

Meet the Pet Bloggers Hop

I’m going to allow my mommy to answer the blog hop questions on her own so that you can get to know a little bit about her. Boy, I sure hope this blogging thing doesn’t go to her head! Take it away, Mommy.

  • What’s your favorite non-animal related book?–I have to say To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, but then I also have to admit that I’ve never actually read the book. I haven’t even seen the movie. But I still named my dog after the author. Does that make me a bad person?
  • What’s your favorite non-animal related movie?–I love Doctor Zhivago, especially the winter scene when Yuri takes Lara to the house in the Ural Mountains.
  • What’s your favorite non-animal related food?–Pizza. If I had a pizza and a chocolate cake sitting in front of me, I’d choose the pizza every single time.
  • Who’s your favorite actor?–I’ve always loved Bette Davis because her characters have balls. Oops, am I allowed to say that on a blog? [Note from Miss Harper Lee: Please forgive my mommy! I’ll speak with her about that.]

Mommy and Miss Lee 3 thek9harperlee

  • What’s one thing you have to do every day?–I have to kiss my puppy . . . again and again and again and . . .
  • What makes you feel fabulous?–I feel fabulous when I get to spend a long weekend with my husband and Miss Harper Lee at Butler Greenwood Plantation and Bed and Breakfast. It’s total relaxation and together-away-from-everything-else time.
  • What’s your favorite holiday?–Halloween is my favorite holiday. October is the prettiest month in South Louisiana, and Halloween is just all about fun.
  • Favorite meal?–I love brunch. I am not at all a fan of breakfast, but I think brunch is fabulous. Brunch just says, “We have absolutely no serious obligations today,” and any day that starts with mimosas and bloody Mary’s is gong to be a very good day!
  • What do you like to do in your free time?–I love to garden. I would rather be outside digging in the garden in the heat of August than inside cleaning the house.

Mommy and Miss Lee 2 thek9harperlee

  • If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you?–I think Harper Lee would say constant. I hope that’s what she would say. I have always been there for her since she was a tiny puppy and I will always be there for her, willing to do anything. Although sometimes I have to say that I think she might like a little less of the constant. She’s a very independent spirit!
  • What is one thing you’ve done that you’re most proud of?–I earned a master of journalism degree from Louisiana State University. It’s been a while since I’ve actually applied that degree to anything professional (in other words, anything I’ve been paid to do), but I am very proud of earning it.
  • Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy?–Other than being with Harper Lee? Gardening, cooking, and traveling with my husband.
  • What drives you nuts about your pets?–It drives me nuts that they can’t live forever.
  • What melts your heart?–Little Miss Harper Lee melts my heart every single day.
  • If you didn’t have your current pets, what pets would you choose to have?–I would love to have chickens, but then I would probably have to say goodbye to my husband, and I love him more than I would love the chickens.

Mommy and Miss Lee 4 thek9harperlee

I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting my mommy. Many, many thanks to the Meet the Bloggers co-hosts: I Still Want More PuppiesGo Pet Friendly, Kol’s Notes, Life With DesmondNo Dog About It BlogThe Daily Dog Blog, My Brown Newfies, CindyLu’s Muse, Bringing Up Bella, Heart Like a Dog, Rescued Insanity, Peggy’s Pet Place, and NEPA Pets. If it weren’t for them, my mommy probably wouldn’t have ever, ever come out from behind the camera. Now if I can just get her back under control!

If you’re interested in meeting more of the humans behind your favorite pet blogs, here’s a link to everyone on today’s hop. Enjoy!

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71 Comments on “Meet My Mommy”

  1. PigLove says:

    This is so fabulous. Not only is your human mommy very smart – she’s beautiful like you Harper!! Swoon – that’s what this piggy says. XOXO – Bacon

  2. Your mommy would love Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. Merry Christmas, you both look fabulous!

    • Mommy has started the book–and she does really, really like Scout–but she just can’t get through it because it really upsets her when people aren’t treated fairly and she’s afraid she’s going to be upset and cry. Daddy’s read it, and he loves it.

  3. GAH, Miss HL. We LOVE your mom. We can see where you get all your spunk. Mom agrees about the pizza – 100%. Me, too, come to think of it. Yum. I also agree about the chickens, but for a totally different reason, I think….

    Love and licks,

    • You’re so sweet, Cupcake, and so lucky that your mom is nice enough to share her pizza with you. My mommy is pretty stingy when it comes to pizza. I have a mental picture of you in a chicken yard–fun for you but not so much for the chickens. 🙂

  4. The Big Dogs says:

    what a great picture of you and your Mommy!!

  5. Rachael says:

    Great to meet you! This blog hop is great- it’s introduced me to some wonderful new blogs. Consider me a member! I love pizza too. In fact, it’s one of my favourites! I also have to give my Del plenty of kisses on a daily basis 🙂 Thanks for sharing x

    • This blog hop is super fun, and my mommy is making a list of all the books and movies everyone is mentioning. Wait a minute . . . if she starts reading and watching movies all the time, when will I get my kisses? 😉

  6. Nice to meet you Harper’s mom! You should at least watch the movie – it’s excellent. And I agree about brunch…what a great way to think about it 🙂

  7. thatjenk says:

    I am loving this blog hop so much and reading about all the authors behind the blogs!
    Your photos are hilarious – you don’t really look too interested in participating, Harper Lee! lol

    I second the brunch thing! It’s like breakfast, but better and later in the day so I can sleep in. A morning person I am NOT.

    • Mommy laughed–kind of–when she saw the pictures. She said, “Everyone’s going to think Harper Lee can’t stand her mommy!” I’m not the typical, overly affectionate, clingy Golden Retriever. I love love, but only on my terms, so usually when my humans are trying to hug and kiss me, I’m trying to pull away. But I always have to know where they are and be near them . . . and every once in a while I sneak a big sloppy kiss. 🙂

  8. So nice to meet you! And I hadn’t thought of brunch that way, very true though!

  9. Pup fan says:

    I have to agree – brunch is the best invention ever!

    Loved reading your post and reading about your Mommy. She sounds like a pretty awesome lady. 🙂

  10. Ms. Harper Lee, Your mum is just fab and I totally agree with her about brunch and a few mimosas…my ideal meal.

  11. Great to meet you Miss Harper Lee mommy, great pictures of the both of you. I laughed when I read you haven’t read To Kill A Mockingbird, I haven’t either but figured you did! lol

    • Thank you. I know; everyone thinks I’ve read the book–or at least seen the movie–so I figured I needed to fess up. Harper Lee’s daddy read the book, and he loved it. I’ve at least bee convinced by everyone’s comments that I need to see the movie. I feel fairly confident that Harper Lee will have a blog post about that.

  12. thinker1958 says:

    so nice to put such a nice face to the image of Miss Harper Lee’s mom. Now I know how she looks when I imaging her giving you kisses and hugs. I like when people are passionate about their ‘kids’.

    Tell your mom that the TV movie “To Kill a Mockingbird” has a sad part (is not that bad compare with so many sad movies, maybe the book is more descriptive) but the end is so sweet and nice that erases any small sadness. Even though Gregory Peck is acting on the movie, Scout’s character has to be seen. I watched it almost once a year, that makes it around 30 times.

    • You have convinced my mommy. During the Christmas break, we are going to have a movie night and we are going to watch “To Kill a Mockingbird.” I’ll have the tissues right next to her.

  13. Cascadian Nomads says:

    So nice to meet you (finally) Mommy. Through Miss Harper Lee’s posts and photos, I have always felt like we had a lot in common (besides being nutty for our dogs) but this interview clinches it! So glad you stepped out from behind the camera for us- you are just as photogenic as your K9! 🙂

  14. Misaki says:

    Awww so great to meet your mummy xxx

  15. tarynft says:

    I lived in New Orleans for a year after college (so many eons ago!). I loved that city and the Louisiana lifestyle. So much more relaxed than the East Coast!

    • As we like to say in South Louisiana, we do know how to pass a good time! New Orleans is my mommy’s all-time favorite city in the whole world. We’re just about an hour away, so my humans spend a lot of time there, and sometimes I get to join them. It’s a super pet-friendly city. I am so happy that you got to live there and that you loved it.

  16. Harper Lee, your mom is almost as gorgeous and gracious as you… 😉 And I can’t read To Kill a Mockingbird for the same reasons… I can’t stand inequity!!!!!!! And I’m really glad your mom likes your dad more than chickens… it says a lot about her character. Thanks for letting her write on your blog.

  17. OhMelvin says:

    Seeing you two together gave me goosebumps of joy! LOVE!!!!!!

  18. Rosy Rue says:

    We just love this post! It sounds like your Mommy and mine could go to brunch together! RosyPoodleKisses, AnnieSpanielSnuggles and MomHUGs to you to beautiful bloggers!

  19. Emmadog says:

    Nice to meet your mom. It is super fun reading about everyone’s humans today!

    • It has been tons of fun to read about the humans. Without this hop, I am pretty sure my mommy would have stayed behind the camera forever. I’m just worried that we won’t be able to control our humans after this!

  20. Nice to meet you!! This has been a really fun blog hop. And I agree with you over pizza … I would chose it over chocolate cake every time!

    • I love this blog hop, too! It’s such a great idea . . . and all of this talk about pizza has me craving my very favorite one from a little place around the corner. Maybe tomorrow night. 😉

  21. Rebekah says:

    Nice to meet you!!

  22. I am sooooo TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOUR HAIR! You are adorable!

    • Why thank you. Golden Retrievers do have beautiful coats. Wait a minute . . . oh, you meant my mommy’s hair. A note from Miss Lee’s mommy: Thank you so much. You’re so sweet! I will definitely share your comment with my hairdressers–one cuts and one colors. It takes a team. 😉

  23. I had to click on your blog, because I love golden retrievers! I happy to meet you and Harper Lee (both the book and the movie are awesome!) We have a 7 year old golden named Ike, and just this April our 11 yr old golden, who we had adopted less than a year earlier, crossed over the rainbow bridge. We’ve fallen in love with the breed. Nice to meet you!

    • I am so sorry that you lost your 11-year-old Golden this year. My humans’ first Golden Retriever was Talbot, and my mommy loved her with all of her heart. When Talbot crossed over the Rainbow Bridge, Mommy thought that she would never ever love another dog as much as she loved Talbot . . . and then I showed up. Mommy used to say that she loved Talbot so much she would give her one of her kidneys; now she says that she loves me so much I can have her heart. I’m pretty sure I already have it. 🙂

  24. So nice to SEE you and learn more about you. But I have to confess – I’m super surprised to hear that you haven’t read TKaM or seen the movie! I thought for sure you had, what with your pup’s name and all. Both are wonderful! And Gregory Peck!!

    I love to kiss my pup every day too. Even if she barely tolerates it!

  25. What a bootiful hooman! Whee think your awesomeness is rubbing off on her Harper! ^_^

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

  26. FleaByte says:

    WHOA WHOA WHOA. Stop the presses. I stopped reading when I got to Greenwood. You live 45 minutes from St. Francisville?!? Seriously? No freakin’ way! I grew up south of New Orleans! My grandfather’s family owned Greenwood until the 60’s! Seriously. The Percy family. I was surrounded by photos and watercolors of Greenwood growing up, including of my grandmother and her sister-in-laws sashaying around the grounds in hoop skirt dresses.

    We should totally have lunch next time I drive down to visit my sister in Baton Rouge! How very cool!!!

    • What a small world, and how very fun that your sister lives in Baton Rouge. It would be so fun for you to have lunch next time you’re in town. Mommy is going to update my About page (she’s just mortified every time someone looks at it because she’s been meaning to update it forever and just hasn’t gotten around to it) and she’ll have contact info there.

  27. Man, I kiss Gretel so much I think my lips are permanently attached to her face 🙂 I would like to have chickens someday too. We raised them when I was a kid so they always bring back good memories. Luckily, my hubby wants them too (more than me I think) so I wouldn’t have to choose 🙂

  28. Marcie says:

    So fun reading about your mommy! I love brunch as well! I love the variety of food you can typically get at a brunch spot too…from waffles and omelets (egg white, please) to sandwiches and soups, yum! Do you grow vegetables in your garden? My goal for next summer is purchase, or have my husband make, one of those VegTrug Patio Gardens.

    • You are so right about the variety of food at brunch. It really is the one meal that should make all humans happy. Sad to say that we don’t grow vegetables. Our back yard is just too shady for a vegetable garden. But we do have a big orange tree. The oranges are usually just getting ripe this time of year and they make great gifts for our neighbors.

  29. Wow your mom seems cool! She sounds fully qualified to assist with your blog! What a great blog hop idea!

    • Ha ha. I think she’s pretty cool, too, and she is a good assistant, when she’s not slacking. 😉 I’m so gad that this blog hop happened, because otherwise I think she would have stayed behind the camera forever. Now if I can just get her back behind the camera where she belongs!

  30. Dogs N Pawz says:

    Love the pictures of you and Miss Harper Lee and it was fun learning about you!

  31. Julie says:

    Wow, you two are so cute! So nice to meet you, thanks for participating!

  32. writetowag says:

    Oh my goodness, what a treat to finally be able to go through my blogroll reader and find you!!! Ive been missing you anyways…Life happens, I know, believe me on that…but your photos Miss Harper Lee are simply beautiful…you have an old soul and your photos are a treasure…LOVE being able to meet your momma…She is beautiful, just like you!!!! Im gonna try to post with this too…Ive never done a blog hop before?! Anyhooo, great to meet your mom and have a fabulous week my friend!!!! Hugs

  33. Ok, first things first, from one Louisiana blogger to another…GEAUX TIGERS!!!! I love Harper Lee, she is beautiful. I’m very impressed that you have the gumption to garden in August. Everything I grow has died of heat exhaustion by the second week of August! I’m so glad to meet another blogger from down south! I’m sure you’ve heard this before but if you have time, you really should read “To Kill A Mockingbird.” The movie is wonderful but the book is fabulous.

  34. Leslie says:

    I am so very glad you let your mommy answer some questions today, Harper Lee. It was a pleasure to read about her. She made me laugh about the book but then I read her reasoning in the first comment and I can understand how it could bother her. (Would it spoil it if she knew everyone gets their comeuppance in the end? 😉

    Oh, I also love meeting another gardener on the hop and that she chose Halloween as her favorite holiday. It is a fun one. Finally, I really, really, REALLY love why she chose brunch as her favorite meal. It is a wonderful feeling when you have nothing to do but enjoy the company and the nibbles as a start to your day. So happy to ‘meet’ you all.

  35. Jan K says:

    I loved learning more about your Mom, Miss Lee. My absolute favorite answer was
    “it drives me nuts that they can’t live forever”. Great answer, and Amen to that!

  36. Terry Cramer says:

    What a great mom you have, Miss Harper Lee! It was so good to hear her opinions! She looks different from how I pictured her, but I can’t really say what that was. You can look at my mommy’s post too,

    Livvie from

  37. Mel says:

    It is so nice to meet your mommy Miss HarperLee! She is just as pretty as you are!

    It makes me laugh to know that Miss HarperLee is named for the author but not because you loved the book. I don’t think that’s bad at all. I never know you lived in Louisiana, but I am thoroughly impressed that you earned a journalism degree. I wish I were good at gardening. It’s the one skill I most want to have and do not. I am envious.

    Thanks for joining the hop!

  38. Nice to meet you. I LOVE that scene in Dr. Zhivago. It’s so beautiful, yet every time I watch it, I have to snuggle up with a bunch of dogs and a blanket because it makes me SO cold.

  39. 2browndawgs says:

    Nice to learn more about you. I think I agree about brunch being the favorite meal. You can get breakfast or lunch and people won’t look at you strangely if you order an adult beverage. 😉

  40. Jodi says:

    Hi Miss Harper Lee, thanks so much for letting your Mommy answer some questions for the blog hop! We had a marvelous turnout and it’s wonderful getting to know some of our fellow bloggers.

    I asked my Hubby for chickens and he said no. 🙂 Of course, I think the bigger issue is the predators in the area, not to mention to lovely dogs that might think chickens were there to be chased. 🙂

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