Wordless Wednesday: Is She Still Back There?

WW Is She Still Back There thek9harperlee


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54 Comments on “Wordless Wednesday: Is She Still Back There?”

  1. Emmadog says:

    I can tell you from my experience the past two years since Bailie arrived and never left…she is always back there. Most of the time I don’t mind, but sometimes she can make me nuts!

  2. Ahh! Look at that little friend. As the younger one of the MyDogLikes crew, I (charlie) often get this look from my big bro, wondering if I have left yet!

  3. fredrieka says:

    she is back there and will always have your back

  4. Fozziemum says:

    Hahaha yes…yes she is sweetie xxx 🙂

  5. She is getting so big and so pretty! Have a great day.

  6. Golden Daily Scoop says:

    Looks like you have an admirer! 🙂

  7. yep and grinning her head off!! BOL! BOL! BOL!!
    Barks and licks and love, Dakota

  8. Yes she is and she’s a cutie!

  9. Have a feeling Harper Lee, that Tallulah will always either be “back there” or beside you. You are her big sister and mentor. She loves and admires you and will, most likely, never want to leave your side. xo

  10. The little ones can really tire you out, can’t they? BOL! She is so cute that I’m sure you don’t mind. ♥

  11. BOL! YUppers…I thinks she’ll be ‘back there’ for a loooong time Harper Lee!! I thinks she loves her big sis!!
    Ruby ♥

    • Looking forward to the day when she stops showing love by biting my ears and starts showing it by curling up next to me for long, quiet naps. I have a sad feeling that that day is waaaaay down the road.

  12. Jan K says:

    Yes, she is. Ignoring her and hoping she goes away doesn’t seem to be working. 🙂

  13. Both of your facial expressions are great! 🙂

  14. She’s there and she has a HUGE grin!

  15. Hi Y’all!

    I thought you were in love! What is she gettin’ a little “pesky”?

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  16. Yes she is! I bet she follows you around all the time 🙂

  17. Marie Symeou says:

    Aww… such a lovely photo of you two!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  18. Aww what a great pic!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. jeandion says:

    That’s one of the sweetest photobombs ever!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  20. Ogee says:

    It’s SO hard to share! Adorable.

  21. BOL…one thing you need to understand about younger siblings Miss HL…once they arrive, the NEVER go away OR leave you for a second….NEVER!!!!
    Wally & Sammy

  22. Sam says:

    Haha – yes! Our Monty can tell you, that no matter how hard you try to make them go away, they never do.

    Monty and Harlow

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