A Special Soft Spot for Ku

Ku 4 thek9harperlee

I have a soft spot in my heart, and it’s reserved for my special friend Ku from Haiku by Ku. A couple of weeks ago, that soft spot got a little bigger when a package addressed to “Beautiful Miss Harper Lee” arrived in the mail. Well, as if that wasn’t enough, inside I found my very own pawtographed copy of Ku’s new book, Kuruk: The Little Bear That Could–One Rescue Pup’s Journey of Healing, along with a lovely note.

Ku 1 thek9harperlee

I just had to sit down so I could take it all in, and so I could nibble on Ku’s book a little. I had never nibbled on a book before, so it was extremely clear to my humans that I was super excited about this one.

Ku 2 thek9harperlee

And then I grabbed my new book and ran to my bed, because that’s where I take all the things I really love. I settled into my bed and started to share Ku’s story with my favorite toy, Alli Gator. Ku’s book begins in an Alaskan puppy mill. “My first year of life was rough,” he writes. “When I was about one year old, some of our pack members started to die. It was very traumatic and sad to see my family members pass away before my eyes.” At this point, Alli Gator and I were very, very sad for Ku and his Alaskan Malamute pack. I have been loved by humans since the very first day of my life, and Alli Gator has been loved by me since the day I got her. We so wanted Ku to feel that same sort of love. Fortunately for Ku and the others, things started to look up when some caring humans arrived at the puppy mill to rescue all of those sweet pups. Ku eventually ended up with a group called Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League (WAMAL) and then with his foster mama Miss Cindy.

That’s when Ku’s dreams really started to come true. A pretty lady and her big Malamute named Simba came to Miss Cindy’s home to meet Ku. “Inside the pretty lady looked into my eyes and spoke to me. She did not use words though,” Ku recalls. “She knew how to talk with her eyes!” Ku had found his forever home with the pretty lady, handsome Simba, two cats, and chickens. Alli Gator and I looked at each other and gasped: chickens! I am constantly asking my human daddy if we can have chickens and he always says no. But back to Ku’s story. Sadly, Simba passed away, but not before teaching Ku some very valuable doggy lessons, and Ku got a beautiful sister named Nalle from the nice people at WAMAL. The pretty lady, Ku, Nalle, and the two cats eventually moved to San Francisco (the chickens found a new loving home) and that’s where Ku now lives.

It might be easy for some animals and lots of humans to have a bit of bitterness in their hearts if they had the kind of start to life that Ku had. But Ku isn’t at all bitter. In fact, he has one of the most loving, generous, and optimistic souls you could ever imagine. His beautiful book ends with these words:

“My healing journey will continue on, but I know I can do it! And if I can do it, I know other rescue pups, and kittens, and horses, and other animals can do it too!”

Ku Footnote thek9harperlee

And now for a special footnote: Ku has promised to donate a portion of the proceeds from his book sales to animal rescue. You can click here to visit Ku’s blog and find out where you can buy the book. My mommy loves Ku as much as I do, so she bought a copy of Kuruk: The Little Bear That Could several weeks ago, and now she’d like to share that copy with one of our blog readers. Just make a comment by this Thursday evening at 6 p.m. central U.S. time and you’ll be eligible to win a random drawing for a copy of Ku’s heartwarming story of rescue and healing. Good luck!

47 Comments on “A Special Soft Spot for Ku”

  1. Fernando F. says:

    oh Miss Harper Lee, that’s a beautiful story about your pawfriend Ku. I’m so glad he found a nice place like the one you have, surrounded by love.

  2. If I win, will the divine Miss Harper Lee please pawtograph it, even though she didn’t write it. Just little note on the inside front cover. I’m sure the begining will make me cry, but I’m glad it has a happy ending! I wish all animals had happy endings!

    • I promise to pawtograph your copy if you win, but I must tell you that my signature isn’t nearly as nice as Ku’s. 🙂 Ku’s story is sad at the beginning, but it has a happy ending, which I like to think of as Ku’s happy beginning.

  3. Emmadog says:

    What a sweet post you wrote! I would love to win a copy of Ku’s book, he is such a nice dog and lucky too!

  4. PigLove says:

    Wipes eyes – how truly special! I love me some Ku! XOXO – Bacon

  5. 2browndawgs says:

    What a great story. Sounds like a wonderful book.

  6. OhMelvin says:

    Love, love, love! These photos should be used as their promotional outreach!!!

  7. Kuruk says:

    Oh Miss Lee, I feel so tickled that you nibbled on my book! **Blush** Thanks you for such a lovely post about my book and give Alli Gator a good shake for me! Wuvyoooowoooowooooooo!

    • Oh, Ku, I cannot begin to tell you how your story has touched me Your faith and trust under the most challenging and sometimes confusing circumstances are such a lesson to all animals and humans. The elders at the puppy mill told you that there are good people out there, and there are. Thank you for sharing your story.

  8. Gizmo says:

    I have a soft spot for Ku as well Miss HL, and for his sisfur Swami Zoe…they are wonderful anipals and Ku’s story is very special

  9. Mom and I also read Ku’s story on the Kindle. We LOVED it! Yay for survival, determination, and rescue!

    Love and licks,

  10. We lub’z Ku but wez lives over the pond, (UK) so wez can never enter.. It sounds a wonderful book to read 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • I must say that I think it is impossible not to love Ku, and who says you can’t enter, Mollie and Alfie? We love our international friends and you are hereby entered in the drawing! Good luck!

  11. Jan K says:

    What a very special gift for you from Ku. His story sounds very heartwarming even if sad at times. It’s wonderful of your Mom to get a copy to share with a lucky winner!

  12. we luvluvluv Ku’s book too…be sure to come by and read the interview I did with him on my Monday post.

  13. Oh Miss Harper Lee we are surprised that your mommy has time to read during football season!! 🙂 But we love the story of Ku and the precious picture of you with his book!!

  14. OMD Miss HL! What a pawsome parcel and book and story and personal message & paw print from Ku!! As our mom likes to say “too divine for words”!
    Wally & Sammy

  15. It looks like your paw could be the same size as Ku’s, Miss Harper Lee! 😀

  16. How sweet! I’d love to read Ku’s book. You’re a good friend for telling us about it. I love that picture of you reading aloud to Alli.

  17. dogdaz says:

    It is so nice to have great pawfriends like Ku. You are very lucky. Great pictures.

  18. cafall says:

    It sounds like a great book – we are going to have to try to find it.


  19. Nylabluesmum says:

    Yow Nylablue here frum Da Purrfect Pad!!! Nice to meet ya Miss Harper Lee…ya iz a purrty poochie!! We iz so late fer da contest butt we wanted to say PHANKZ fer sharin sum of Kuruk’z story frum hiz book….me iz a kindred spearit wif Ku as me waz a puppy mill breedin KAT fer almost 5 yearz befur me waz thrown out onto da street n left to fend fer meself…more happened butt me haz bin in me furever home for 7+ yearz now….
    Me adorez Kuruk h ne iz me HERO!!!
    Nylablue n her Hu’Man Sherriellen xo

    • Oh, Nylablue, I am so happy that you and your human found each other, and that you have left all that sadness behind you. You and Ku are both inspiring heroes. 🙂

      • Nylabluesmum says:

        Yow phankz Miss Harper Lee…me haz bin in kitteh wunderland since me came to Mum’z…altho’ me haz health probz me Mum iz so gentle wif me n LUBZ me so much. Me haz a grrreat Vet: Dr. dave n dey take guud care of me. Me Dad iz outta town butt he comez to bizit whenn he can n talkez to me on da phone even…me haz had a guud Life dese past 7 yearz…after 5 yearz of Kitteh H*LL…Kuruk n me iz sirvivurz!!!
        Nylablue xo

  20. Paula says:

    we humans could all take a ‘page’ (pun intended) from the ku’s book about forgiveness. dogs are the definition of unconditional love!

  21. tylersat99 says:

    What a wonderful story for Ku and so very happy Ku has found such a loving home. We wish they could all end so happy 🙂

  22. […] out the beautiful K9 Miss Harper Lee’s post about the special pawtographed copy of my book I sent […]

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