My Morning Routine

Morning 1 thek9harperlee

Let me just start by saying that I am not a morning girl. Never have been. Never will be. There, now that that’s out of the way, I’d like to let you know how practically every single day of my life starts. My humans rise and shine at some absolutely obscene hour of the day. I’m not sure exactly what time it is. All I know is that it’s dark. And dark means sleep. So, naturally, I continue to sleep.

Morning 2 thek9harperlee

After my humans have been up and moving for a while–long enough to start the coffee maker, go outside to pick up the newspaper, come back inside to pour the coffee, and sit down to begin reading the paper–I finally make my first appearance of the day. (At this point I will admit that sometimes my humans actually have to return to the bedroom to wake me up. What can I say? A girl needs her beauty rest.)

Morning 3 thek9harperlee

And out I go to . . . well . . . you know. A little privacy, please.

Morning 4 thek9harperlee

Back inside, I make a beeline for the kitchen. While I’ve been outside exploring and . . . well . . . you know, one of my humans has been inside preparing my breakfast. At this point, I stop and wait for my kiss. I will not eat until I get a kiss on my head from the human who has prepared my breakfast. And then I start to devour every last little morsel.

Morning 6 thek9harperlee

Really, Mommy? Must we photograph every single second of my morning?

Morning 7 thek9harperlee

The minute I finish eating my breakfast, I run to the den and sit down next to the chair that my humans have named The Burp Chair. They call this special chair The Burp Chair because whatever human happens to be sitting in this chair after I have finished eating my breakfast gets a great big thank-you-for-the-wonderful-breakfast belch from me.

Morning 8 thek9harperlee

And then I lick my lips (and sometimes my nose) . . .

Morning 9 thek9harperlee

. . . and head straight to my blue bed in the den to go back to sleep.

What’s your morning routine?

42 Comments on “My Morning Routine”

  1. Emmadog says:

    Mom gets up at a terribly early hour too. We all get up and relocate to our beds downstairs, sleep for another hour or so and then head out for a long walk or run, come home, eat, and get on with the morning nap. We enjoy the morning but not quite as early as Mom enjoys it.

  2. The Big Dogs says:

    Ms Lee, you know that is not your routine when you come for a sleepover with the BIG DOGS!! You are the one who pops up at the obscene hour wagging your tail with much excitement and bumping the side of the bed as if to say “LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED NOW”!

  3. I put my cold nose in my Mom’s face to get the old girl going. I try to trick her into opening the back door to let me out BEFORE she turns off the security alarm. Sometimes this works. When she lets me out before turning off the alarm…well let’s just say, that usually gives us a lively start to our day and I get to bark a lot. VeryCool.
    After that it’s breakfast and squirrel monitoring at the French doors.
    I think I just heard her say we are now implementing a burp chair.As always,we love your style!


    • Well first let me just say that every home needs a burp chair. 🙂 And about that whole security alarm thing . . . my humans have had a little mental lapse on a couple of mornings. It’s startled the heck of them, but I just slept through it!

  4. That sounds like a great way to start the day! Bentley isn’t a fan of the morning either. Our Tucker used to use us as his napkin after he ate.

  5. great morning routine, I want to do that each day

  6. fozziemum says:

    Exhausting sweetie! perhaps you could teach the old pups here about a sleep in ! only now that the doggy door has been installed can I get a bit of a sleep in as they can go out to leave pee mails without me opening the door :)..bliss…love the pics 🙂 you smoochable poochable 🙂 loves Fozziemum xx

  7. Cupcake says:

    OMG, Miss HL. You have a lazy start to your day. I pop up whenever Mom wakes up (at the crack of dawn) and wait for her to come back to bed so she can drink tea and I can have my first of many treats. I wait in bed till she gets out of the shower, but then I follow her around till she makes my food. Then I eat and we go for the first of many walks. I’m a morning girl.

    Love and licks,

  8. dashlilly says:

    Hi Harper Lee, We are new followers. Our mom had a golden retriever named Harper Lee when she was a young college student!!! We love your blog. Lilly, my baby sister is up early and wakes up mom. I like to snooze and take things slowly. Looking forward to more reading and pictures!! Thanks, your doodle friend Dash

    • It is so nice to meet you, Dash, and thank you for the kind words. I think I might have found you on IG and requested a follow. 🙂 I can’t believe your mom had a Golden Retriever named Harper Lee! I had a canine sister Lexi who liked to wake my humans up, just like your sister Lilly. I miss Lexi, but not her early-morning habits. 😉

  9. OMD Miss HL, your routine sounds absolutely perfect!!

    Our weekday starts at 6am. Dada comes down and let’s us out to go do our “business” and to patrol the garden and make sure that no sly kitty or *gasp* Hadeda (Ibis) has invaded OUR space. While we are out patrolling, dada gets our breakfast ready – breakfast is served in our Kongs, kibble topped off with some wet food. Once dada has showered he lets us in, gets our futon ready, takes out some toys for us and then he gives us our Kongs and he leaves for work.

    In case you were wondering where mom is during all this – Dada is on breakfast duty ‘cos mom leaves for work by 6:30 and mom is on dinner duty ‘cos she gets home earlier than dada.

    BIG licks,
    Wally & Sammy

  10. fredrieka says:

    sweet sleepy face on a confey pillow

  11. That is a great routine and not at all what it is like around here except for getting up at the early hour which is usually because one of the brown dawgs want breakfast!

    • Maybe if you served breakfast in bed for the brown dawgs they’d stay in bed later. Just a thought . . . that the brown dawgs may or may not have asked me to float by you. 😉

  12. PigLove says:

    Oh beautiful – you look just simply gorgeous even with bed head. ❤ swoons from this little piggy. XOXO – Bacon

  13. Rebecca says:

    We get our guys up quite early too. Teach has always enjoyed sleeping in, but Tucker is a morning dog! Ready to play as soon as he paws hit the outside of his crate. Teach on the other hands gets his breakfast and then is back in bed fast asleep.

    • We call that after-breakfast nap the early-morning nap . . . as opposed to the later mid-morning nap and then the late-morning nap. Only dogs need adjectives to describe their many naps through the day. 😉

  14. MH Hatcher says:

    Love that HL waits for her morning kiss!

  15. cafall says:

    Harlow pretty much follows the same routine, except it is out at 3, and then she naps in her big chair until breakfast.

    Monty and Harlow

  16. LOL – great post. Sounds a lot like my Kali except she is up as soon as I step out of the bed. She waits patiently for me to shower but once I head down the stairs to the kitchen it’s “show time” and all about the food. Thank for sharing MHL.

    • I wish we could all see videos of the humans rushing to dish out breakfast for their dogs every morning. I think those videos would make it perfectly clear who the masters really are. 🙂

  17. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man says:

    Sweet Harper Lee that routine sounds perfect. You are right that dark is for sleeping, when I want to sleep more I make it dark by putting covers over my head. That is cool you don’t eat until you get a kiss on the head. I don’t eat until Mumsy throws my ball for me to bring back to her several times. Oh and Mumsy says you have a gorgeous tail. Hugs and nose kisses

    • Please thank Mumsy for noticing my tail. My mommy loved that shot, too. I just love that you have trained Mumsy to throw the ball for you before you eat. We have very obedient humans. 😉

  18. Such gorgeous photos, so YES we absolutely must photograph every moment! 🙂

  19. rhonda says:

    My Carwyn, 20 month old golden retriever, is a morning person – rise and shine at 5 am with epectations of breakfast shortly there after. His humans however are not morning people, they dislike the morning bark that means I’m hungry, get out of bed and feed me!

  20. Well Miss Harper Lee, our morning starts with Mom getting up in the dark to that stupid alarm *sigh* which makes me jump off the bed and onto my scratcher on the floor to stretch my legs. Then we all head downstairs where I watch Mom and the Girls all go outside so the Girls can do their business. Mom then feeds the Girls and I start telling her how much I want my whipped creme (non-dairy and light thank you) when Mazie gets her pill in it. Then we all go upstairs while Mom takes her shower and I take a nap on the blanket chest. On week-ends it is pretty much the same except for the silly alarm. and we sleep in an extra hour. Love your beautiful fluffy tail. I would like to chase it 🙂

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