Toy Introductions Day 1: Pearl the Purple Thing

Happy October 1! Every day this month, Tallulah Bee and Birdie Blue will introduce you to their toys. (We could probably do this until the end of the year and not repeat a single toy.) Tallulah will start the introductions.

Tallulah: “This is Pearl the Purple Thing. You’ll notice our toys have names. Anyway, Pearl is a very special toy because she was a birthday gift to Harper Lee many years ago from one of our dearest Golden Retriever friends. That means she spent a lot of time in the Land of Forbidden Toys, also known as a cabinet in the utility room, and only Harper Lee got to play with her. Apparently, Birdie and I have a destructive streak. Pearl came out of the cabinet last weekend, and Birdie and I absolutely cannot get enough of her. So far, she’s unscathed.

“Birdie even invited her to join us on the balcony this morning. Pretty sure Pearl the Purple Thing enjoyed the view.”

52 Snapshots of Life: Week 9–Purple

#52 Snapshots Week 9 thek9harperlee

Purple is my color.

 I have three collars. They’re all purple.

And I have two feather boas, one purple and the other purple with a touch of gold.

When I’m wearing my purple boas and my “diamond” tiara, I feel like a princess . . .

. . . the Princess of Purple.

52 Snapshots of Life-sidebar

Today I’m linking up with The Lazy Pitbull for the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge. Click the link below to join the fun and visit the other participants!

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On the Fourth Day Of Christmas: My First Pair of Boots

Fourth Day 1 thek9harperlee

And on the fourth day of Christmas . . . the rain continued, so my humans decided that it was time for me to get my first pair of waterproof dog boots. They are called Pawz, made by Top Paw, and I am still a bit undecided. My fabulous Golden friend Sugar wears Pawz year-round to protect her beautiful feet. (You can click here to read all about Sugar and her famous Pawz.) I figure if Sugar likes them then they must be good. The fact that they are purple is a plus, too. Purple is my favorite color.

Fourth Day 2 thek9harperlee

My new boots took a little getting used to. My humans started by putting just one boot on one foot. At first, I didn’t want to move. And then I didn’t want to put the booted foot on the ground. Then I got used to one boot, so the humans tried them on all four feet. Walking was a bit tricky at first, but I got the hang of it. Then I wouldn’t sit down with my boots on, but eventually I sat. I even went outside to . . . well, you know . . . wearing my Pawz. And finally I gave in completely and wore the boots to my bed to lie down. That’s when, mercifully, my humans removed the boots and said that we’ll try them again tomorrow. While I’m not completely averse to wearing my new waterproof boots, I do I have my toes crossed for brilliantly sunny skies and dry ground tomorrow. A girl can dream.