Watermelon Weekend–Woohoo!

Watermelon 1 thek9harperlee

Late last week, my human mommy went to the store and came home with the biggest, strangest, heaviest ball I had ever seen.

Watermelon 2 thek9harperlee

I tried and tried to pick it up and run with it, but that strange ball was just too big and too heavy . . . even for my huge Golden Retriever mouth.

Watermelon 3 thek9harperlee

Then my human daddy took a giant knife and cut that odd ball right in half. I will tell you that at first I was more than a little shocked and somewhat frightened. Was it bleeding? Had Daddy killed it? But my humans kept saying, “Taste it, Harper Lee. Taste it!” And so I did, because I am obedient. At first lick I knew just exactly what I was tasting: Watermelon! This was not my first watermelon experience. Earlier this summer, when I visited my human grandparents in Texas, I had my first taste of watermelon; but that watermelon came pre-cut in a little plastic container. This watermelon was the real deal.

Watermelon 4 thek9harperlee

As Daddy held my first real slice of watermelon, I started eating . . .

Watermelon 5 thek9harperlee

 . . . and then I really got into it. I ate a lot of watermelon. I think it may be the very best thing I have ever eaten.

Watermelon 7 thek9harperlee8

It was certainly one of the messiest things I’ve ever eaten. Watermelon was all over my mouth, so I licked . . .

Watermelon 8 thek9harperlee

. . . and then I really licked . . .

Watermelon 6 thek9harperlee

 . . . but that watermelon was still there, and so I asked Daddy very nicely if he would please wipe my mouth with some paper towels, which he did.

Watermelon 9 thek9harperlee

Now, I don’t want you to think that my humans missed out on all the weekend watermelon fun. Trust me, they didn’t. They enjoyed their watermelon in the form of an adult beverage. Watermelon margaritas, anyone?

When Mommy planned our watermelon experience for Saturday, August 3, she had absolutely no idea that we would actually be celebrating National Watermelon Day in the most appropriate way. Leave it to our little friend Bacon of Pig Love to keep us informed about the most important “holidays.” You can click here to read all about Bacon’s fun with watermelon. You’ll definitely want to see his photos! And speaking of Bacon, last week that cute little piggy presented me with the Loyal Reader Award. Thank you so much, Bacon.

Here are the rules to the Loyal Reader Award:

1. Display this award on your blog. – Done!

2. Thank the person who sent it to you. – Thank you, Bacon!

3. Answer a question of the author’s choosing. – About to be done!

4. Pass the award along to everyone you consider a loyal reader. – As Bacon said, this is the hard part. I appreciate all of my readers, whether you’ve followed me from the beginning or found me recently. I appreciate my friends who read every single post, and I appreciate readers who have been drawn to just one or two posts. I appreciate my readers who make comments, those who click the “Like” button, and those who take a look and then move along. Many, many thanks to all of you!


The Question: If I am a tree, will I become a book or furniture?

My Answer:  My answer to this one has to be book, and not just any book. If I am a tree, I will become To Kill a Mockingbird by the human Harper Lee.


And here are my nominees:

Dakota at Dakota’s Den

Donna at we live in a flat

Jo at The Sundog Drift

Ruby at Ruby the Airedale

And finally, I present a very special Loyal Reader Award to each and every one of my non-blogging readers.  It’s one thing for fellow bloggers to support each other. It is another thing entirely for you to subscribe to and visit a blog. Thank you!

So here is my question to each of my nominees and to everyone who is reading this blog post:

If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you be and why?

I cannot wait to read your answers!

56 Comments on “Watermelon Weekend–Woohoo!”

  1. Miss Harper Lee, you have OUTDONE yourself this a.m. with your watermelon post!!! I seriously needed a smile today and you got me started in the right direction!!! These pictures are hysterical and your mommy wrote a clever story for you!! The Red Man sends Paw Snaps and Twirls to all of you today…:)

  2. PigLove says:

    Congrats my friend and thank you! It looks like you enjoyed your watermelon as much as I do. It’s ggrreeaatt! XOXO – Bacon

    • Watermelon is ggrreeaatt! And so what if the humans have to clean up when we get it all over us and everything else. 😉

      • PigLove says:

        That is so true! Snorts – just ask mommy about the kitchen after I had my snack. I think we cleaned for about an hour afterwards. Yes, I had to help. But, it was ALL worth it. XOXO – Bacon

      • Well, as you can see, I was banished to the great outdoors to eat my watermelon, and even then the clean-up was a challenge!

      • PigLove says:

        Snorts – well I did get in a little trouble. I took off with a piece of melon down the hall and into my room to eat it in front of the television. Mommy didn’t like that. But, it was sure fun watching her chase me down the hall – snorts. Now that I’m ‘yard trained’, my next adventure with it might just be the back yard. XOXO – Bacon

  3. 2browndawgs says:

    Oh the watermelon looks so yummy. Happy National Watermelon Day! Congrats on your award! Well deserved!

  4. finnhoward says:

    Wow, Miss Harper Lee, that looks just delicious!! I like how to just got to lick the inside of it once it was cut. And Momma seems to be drooling over those adult beverages. She says she needs one tonight!

    • Mommy wants you to know that Daddy cut off the part I licked and that was my little slice. I have no idea why she thinks it’s so important to point that out. Doesn’t she know that a dog’s mouth has fewer germs than a humans? (Do you think that’s really true?)

  5. BOL. You are soooooooooo lucky to have gotten a watermelon ball. And…. oh my… what a big tongue you have there. hehehehe. Thanks for the chuckles today.
    Ps. I would be a fish, cuz I luv da beach and could play in the waves all the time.

    • I highly recommend watermelon, Ranger. You will be surprised how long your tongue can get when you’re licking it and trying to get it off of your face–especially with your Scottie whiskers! And I think fish is an excellent answer. That’s what my mommy would be because she loves the beach, too!

  6. Kuruk says:

    You look so cuuwooowoooote eating your watermelon Miss Lee! Wooowoooo, Ku

  7. I had watermelon this past weekend, too! It is my favorite of all the melons and Dudley and Zoe always liked a ittle taste. Our state farmer’s market had their annual watermelon contest and I think the largest was 179.5 lbs. That’s a lot of watermelon! You sure look like you’re having fun.

  8. Sage says:

    Looks like you really had a lot of fun with that watermelon! I’m surprised you didn’t need a bath afterwards. 🙂

  9. Love the Watermelon post, I had fun with my gang and a watermelon too, Have to wait til tasty tuesday 2 yr anniv day Aug 12 to read about mine. Congrats on your award. I love your answer!

  10. vegannparis says:

    hahah, too cute!! and those margaritas look simply AMAZING!

  11. GREAT pictures! You may be the luckiest dog in the world eating so much watermelon! WOW! Mom only lets me eat one bite and sometimes I lick the crust when she’s finished. Watermelon. Mmmmm.

    Love and licks and a little drool,

  12. Jan K says:

    Yahoo! Watermelon for everyone! My dogs have yet to try it, but we might have to see about that….maybe we’ll even throw in a couple of those margaritas for the humans. 🙂
    Congrats on your award….that Bacon looks like a lot of fun!

  13. Henrietta McArdle ("Boots") says:

    Harper Lee, You made me hunger and thirst for watermelon which I shall have to buy
    tomorrow. If I could be a fish, I would choose to be a dolphin as they are so friendly to
    people and seem to have so much fun when they frolic together in the Gulf. Hummmm,
    I wish I could get to that watermelon tonight. Hard to wait til tomorrow. A long time ago
    we had a contest for your friend Sunshine’s human owner and her cousins, seeing who
    could spit the seeds the farthest over a cabin porch rail into the mountain forest below..
    I don’t remember who won. MawMaw Boots, an admirer who is looking forward to
    meeting you.

    • Being a dolphin would be great fun. I think dolphins are the dogs of the sea. My humans were very disappointed that our watermelon did not have those big, black seeds that are so fun for spitting. Apparently, the new watermelons are seedless, so future generations will miss out on the joys of seed-spitting contests. Sad.

  14. Dogs N Pawz says:

    We like watermelon too! Mommy gave us some just last night and we agree with you…it is very yummy! Mommy thinks those watermelon margaritas look really good!

  15. Congratulations on your award Miss Harper Lee. And thank you so much for nominating Donna 🙂 please to bear with us as we take some time to respond. The human is a slowpoke and trying to figure out how to make watermelon margaritas. 😛 You guys have some awesome times 😀

  16. Yesssss!!!!!! I LOVE watermelon!!! I knew it had to be for me when mom brought it home from that place called the grocery store because of it’s ball-like appearance. It turns out it’s for sharing, but I still get some and it’s YUMMY!

    • Have you noticed that there are some things that the humans just refuse to share with us. I am so happy that watermelon is not one of those things. 😉

      • I just don’t understand why humans don’t want to share everything with us – we share everything with them after all. But I digress. I hear it’s for our own good anyway. 🙂

  17. Ogee says:

    I would like to know…where is your margarita Miss Harper Lee??

  18. Congrats on the beautiful award!!! Also you looked like you had so much fun with that watermelon, I have to try that with kirby, although he wouldn’t be able to budge it, im sure he’s enjoy it! 🙂

  19. *BOL* we just LOVE the photos chronicling this momentous occasion Miss HL!! We love water melon too especially on a hot summers day.

    As for the adult beverage…mom says she’d like one too please. She loves water melon and she loves margaritas!

    • Thank you, Wally and Sammy! Judging from the happy looks on my humans’ faces while they indulged in those Watermelon Margaritas, I think your mom would enjoy them very, very much. 🙂

  20. followingroy says:

    Yummy…Did you taste the human drink too?

  21. Misaki says:

    That watermelon looks yummy!
    Congrats on your lovely award 🙂

  22. evi says:

    how cute you are when you’re eating a watermelon 🙂 it’s refreshing for hot summer days, isn’t it? and i loooove the picture of you licking your mouth 😀

  23. Wow I am so honored to be chosen as a loyal reader. But you made it easy MHL. I am a hopeless Golden lover and you are so darn cute. Love the watermelon photo’s ! Answer : A very tough question to answer as water is important to me but air as a element is MOST important to me. So I would be a bird. I could spread my wings and soar over the land checking in on all the animals. 🙂

  24. […] were nominated for the loyal reader award. Thank you so much Miss Harper Lee of the golden ear flip! We are ashamedly slow in our response post! […]

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