Harper Lee from A to Z: C is for CHARIOT

C1 thek9harperlee

I know exactly what you’re thinking right now: Miss Harper Lee, that’s just a car. I must respectfully disagree. This is my chariot, and it takes me to the most fabulous places: weekends in New Orleans and St. Francisville, walks around beautiful parks, visits with my human grandparents in Texas, trips to the LSU Vet School for rehab (the kind I do for my hips and elbows, not the Lindsay Lohan kind). Once I even traveled in my chariot to visit Santa Claus. Tomorrow you’ll get to see another place my chariot takes me. But do you want to know the best thing about my chariot? It comes with another C word: chauffeurs!

This post is part of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. See you tomorrow!

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40 Comments on “Harper Lee from A to Z: C is for CHARIOT”

  1. Liz Brownlee says:

    Oh, Miss Harper Lee, how could I resist you – I have my own K9, Lola, who is my assistance dog, she also has her own section on my blog… the main blog is about other animals though!
    Another connection – my son is called Jem, after a certain someone in To Kill a Mockingbird.

    ~ Fellow A-Zer Liz ~ http://www.lizbrownleepoet.com

    • Thank you so much for the visit. I took a little look at Lola, and she is absolutely adorable. Your poetry and accompanying photos are beautiful. Looking forward to following you through the alphabet and learning about all the wonderful animals that share our planet.

  2. And a special chariot it is!!

  3. “chariot” love it and perfect for a refined lady such as yourself!

  4. OhMelvin says:

    You deserve a chariot!!! Look how royal you look!

  5. rebeccatirabassi says:

    Harper Lee,

    I am stopping in from the A to Z Challenge and I just love your blog and take on things. Thanks for a fun read!


  6. fredrieka says:

    I love my chariot rides, so much to see so many people to meet and hug me

  7. dorysbackyard says:

    What a wonderful post for “C”! Dory loves being taken around in her chariot…us boys like it sometimes, but the roads here in NorCal are so uppy downy, twisty turny that we sometimes get sicky…yuk!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty and Bilbo

  8. Our next vehicle will have a chariot section for Bentley. How exciting for you to visit all of those great places!

  9. Oh, Harper Lee, you are pure class!

  10. FireBonnet says:

    Very good choice… C for Chariot and Chauffeur! You know how to live in style Miss Lee.

  11. Rosy Rue says:

    Love the Chariot and Chauffeur ! You are so clever! Maybe you should surprise your chauffeur and make it real fancy with B for Bling or some A for Art!

    • Where we used to live there was an Art Car event where people did all kinds of creative things to cars and then had a big show to raise money for a charity. Just imagine my chariot in the Art Car Parade. I may have to start working on that!

  12. Misaki says:

    It’s great to have a chauffeur!

    • It’s just the best. I’ve never hung my head out the window while cruising down the road, but if I ever wanted to do that, I would imagine it might be a little difficult if I were the driver. 🙂

  13. Ha! Silly me! I DID think it was just a car! But with that itinerary, you’re right – it’s a golden jewel encrusted chariot. (Golden – see what I did there…?)

    Love and licks,

  14. Cascadian Nomads says:

    Miss Harper Lee, this alphabet journey through your stylish life is beginning to make my cheeks sore from smiling! Art, Bling, Chariots, Chauffeurs… caviar? 🙂

  15. Holy Cows! I miss a couple of your posties Miss Harper Lee!! Sorry gurl!!
    Nows I am gonna get caught up. Wows, I do loves your most FABulous chariot! I have one too, butts it is not half as nice as yours!! Mine has towels everywheres and barriers cause Ma says I hit her in the heads when she’s drivin’…pfffft! whatevers…
    I thinks I’ll come along with you in your chariot…..it looks like tons more funs!! ☺
    Ruby ♥

    • My chariot has a little tarp thing that my humans put down in the back because, apparently, I shed. My hair gets everywhere still, and then my mommy says, “Miss Harper Lee, your hair is all over the back of this car.” It’s not a car, it’s my chariot, Mommy, so I can shed all over it if I want to!

  16. fozziemum says:

    Oh Harper Lee C is also for charming canine 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx

  17. Chariots with chauffeurs are utterly essential – who’d want to concentrate driving when there’s SO much to see & bark at during the trip!
    Wally & Sammy

  18. A great Chariot you have there. You look great in it. Enjoy your rides.

  19. 2browndawgs says:

    I like that you call it a chariot. 🙂

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